Process requirements for high temperature resistant bar code labels
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High temperature resistant bar code label, also known as bar code, is a universal product packaging label, which can be called the ID card of the commodity. High temperature resistant bar code labels reflect a large amount of information and play an important role in the production, sales, storage and inspection of communication information. Barcodes are widely used in trademarks, packaging and books, and become a link of communication. In addition, understanding and mastering the knowledge of bar code printing and use is also very important to improve the quality of bar code printing. Label printing companies share the following ink requirements.
High temperature resistant bar code label, Also known as bar code, is a universal product packaging label, which can be called the ID card of the product. High temperature resistant bar code labels reflect a large amount of information and play an important role in the production, sales, storage and inspection of communication information. Barcodes are widely used in trademarks, packaging and books, and become a link of communication. In addition, understanding and mastering the knowledge of bar code printing and use is important for improvingHigh temperature resistant bar code labelBarcode printing quality is also very important. Label printing companies share the following ink requirements:
Process requirements for high temperature resistant bar code labels
The color of the ink should be fully considered, which has a great impact on the accuracy of the bar code. In theory, as long as the ink is used, the requirements of barcode printing can be met according to the color ratio, but the ink has the defect of impure color, resulting in color deviation. Therefore, the color of the ink should be accurately controlled so that the density of the ink is uniform, the color saturation is high, and the purity is high. The bar code should be printed before determining whether the reflectivity of the ink under red light meets the requirements. In this way, the high temperature resistant bar code label can guarantee the quality.
High temperature resistant bar code labelProcess requirements
The reflectivity and gloss of gold ink will cause specular reflection, which affects the reading of the scanner, so it cannot be used to print barcodes. In addition, the concentration of the ink layer thickness should also meet the requirements of bar code printing, because bar code printing is on-site printing, and its printing can achieve reflection density, ink optical characteristics and ink thickness. In the printing process, the printed reflection density increases with the increase of the ink thickness. When the ink thickness reaches a certain value, the density reaches saturation. In this way, the high temperature resistant bar code label can guarantee the quality.
General ink saturation requirements are: black ink 1.8-2.0, cyan ink 1.45-1.70, magenta ink 1.25-1.50, yellow ink 0.90-1.05, and other special color ink 0.8-1.8 or more. Due to the different printing process, the thickness of the printing ink layer is also different. Generally, offset printing is 2-4 meters, embossing is 8 meters, printing is 10 meters, gravure is 12 meters, and silk screen is 30 meters. SoHigh temperature resistant bar code labelIn order to guarantee the quality.
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